The 3Cosas Campaign is one of the most powerful and exciting campaigns by outsourced workers in UK university history. The UCL Living Wage Campaign has and will continue to support the campaign. On Wednesday 27 and Thursday 28 November, over 100 outsourced workers at the University of London will be going on strike. How can you support them?
- Don't cross the picket lines. This means not entering Senate House on either strike day. This may seem a lot, but it's the most important thing: the point of the strike is to show how essential the labour these workers do is to the running of the university; if the university stops running, the strike is stronger. Senate House is closed on Wednesday 27 because of Foundation Day, so really this means going to a different library on Thursday 28.
- Support the picket lines. Workers will be outside the gates of Senate House 6am to 1pm tomorrow and 6am to 3pm on Thursday. If you're around, go down and tell them you support the strike. The workers call themselves 'the invisibles' because of the way they are treated by employers; moral support from students is hugely appreciated.
- Donate to the strike fund here. If you're part of an organisation, you could present this model motion to donate to the fund. Every bit will help!
After a 97% yes vote, cleaners, porters & security staff in the IWGB union will be downing tools as part of their campaign for the 3Cosas: fair sick pay, holiday allowance and pension rights. The workers are simply campaigning for equal terms with direct university employees: the very same rights that they had before they were outsourced.
The university management refused to meet the workers, and the outsourced company offered nothing in negotiations, so the workers have been left with no other choice. The strike has received support from all over London and the UK, with a strike fund of £5000 being raised in a week, to cover their unpaid wages for the two strike days.
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