To put pressure on management, who have no excuse to delay or avoid paying the London Living Wage we are having a UCLUnion sponsored campaign week AND WE NEED YOUR SUPPORT!
Please attend and share the Facebook event!
There are many activities to get involved with throughout the week:
Monday 21st November - London Living Wage Information Session & Social
7pm - 10:30 pm in the Print Room Cafe
Come along if you want to find out more about the Living Wage, the campaign at UCL, and to get involved. All welcome especially spanish speakers! Drink and nibbles provided.
Tuesday 22nd - Workers' Rights Forum
1pm - 4pm in Room 204 in the Bloomsbury Building
6pm - 8pm in Room 218 in Foster Court
Are you working while you're a student? Are you a Postgrad working for UCL? Planning to get a job in the future? Then come along and find out your rights at work, ask any questions, and meet other workers. With representatives from the successful Living Wage campaigns at SOAS, Senate House and Guildhall.
Thursday 24th - Film screening of "Nightcleaners" with a discussion afterwards with the director, Humphry Trevelyan
8pm - 11pm in Gustave Tuck LT
‘Nightcleaners’ is a documentary made by members of the Berwick Street Collective, about the campaign to unionize the women who cleaned office blocks at night and who were being victimized and underpaid. It is increasingly recognised as a key work of the 1970s and as an important precursor, in both subject matter and form, to current political art practice.
Friday 25th - Demonstration in the Quad
UCL, follow the example of other colleges in Bloomsbury, and pay the living wage now! The workers shouldn't have to wait any longer!
We look forward to seeing you next week and don't hesitate to get in touch if you have any questions!
Monday, 14 November 2011
New petition!
We have a new petition for you to sign and spread to all your friends!
Sunday, 27 February 2011
Welcome to the UCL Living Wage Campaign blog!
If you have any information that you would like to see added or think would be helpful, or if you would like to be added to our mailing list, please comment or contact us at thank you!
Living Wage Campaign News Bulletin!
On 28 September, after 2 years of campaigning, UCL management agreed to pay staff the London Living Wage (£7.85/hr in 2010).
El 28 de septiembre, luego de dos años de campaña, el patronal de UCL se ha comprometido a pagar el London Living Wage (£7.85/hora para 2010).
What is the UCL Living Wage Campaign?
The campaign is run by a group of concerned UCL students and staff, and supported by the Students’ Union and the 3 staff trade unions. We aim to secure the full Living Wage package for all out-sourced staff at UCL, including cleaners, security and catering staff. This includes the wage rate of £7.85/hour as well as fair sick pay, maternity and compassionate leave and a pension.
Qué es el UCL Living Wage Campaign?
La campaña es organizada por un colectivo de estudiantes y empleados de UCL, y apoyada por el centro estudantil y los tres sindicatos que representan los empleados. Nuestro objetivo es lograr un Living Wage (Salario Vital) completo para todos los empleados externalizados de UCL, incluso los limpiadores y los empleados de seguridad y restauración. Un tal paquete incluirá no sólo un salario de £7.85/hora pero también un subsidio justo para la enfermedad, la licencia por maternidad y por motivos familiares, y un plan de pensiones.
Improve your English: Language Exchange Breakfast, 9 February, 8-10am
Are you interested in improving your English? Come join us on 9 February from 8-10am in ULU Cafe for breakfast and to talk about your availability for lessons, what you would like to learn, and how. Bring fellow workers, all are welcome! Anyone who cannot attend this meeting but is interested should e-mail us at and we can meet speak with you at a more convenient time.
Mejorar tu inglés: Language Exchange Breakfast, 9 February, 8-10am
¿Está interesado en mejorar su inglés? Venga y únase a nosotros el 9 de febrero de 8-10 de la mañana en el ULU Cafe para desayunar y para charlar sobre su disponibilidad para clases, sobre qué le interesaría aprender, y sobre cómo le gustaría aprenderlo. Traiga a compañeros de trabajo, ¡están todos invitados! Si no puede venir a esta reunión pero está interesado, mándenos un email a y podremos reunirnos para hablar con usted cuando mejor le venga.
What’s happening?
On 28 September, after 2 years of campaigning, UCL management agreed to pay staff the London Living Wage (LLW: £7.85/hr in 2010). However, they are unnecessarily waiting for contracts to be renewed; have made no commitment to sick pay, pensions, or overtime pay; and have also suggested that they may reduce workers’ hours or even the numbers of workers – meaning workers will have to work harder, often in the same hours for the same pay.
Some vague timelines have now been set: catering/refectory staff will be paid the LLW from April 2011; Office & General cleaners by 2012. However, there has been no statement on any other contracts, including ISS.
We have learnt of some other developments which are a risk to low-paid workers at UCL. These are probably caused by UCL trying to offload funding cuts on to vulnerable staff rather than side-effects of paying the LLW.
ISS plan to cut the paid holiday for their workers: they want to include college closure days within the 28 days holiday allowance, meaning ISS cleaners will lose 6 days' holiday. We urge you to contact us if you are an ISS cleaner.
O&G want to introduce every-other-day cleaning in offices and labs, and switch from early hours to daytime cleaning. This will obviously be a big problem for O&G cleaners. We have heard that some cleaners have already been sacked for no reason. Get in touch if this is affecting you.
Qué está pasando ?
El 28 de septiembre, luego de dos años de campaña, el patronal de UCL se ha comprometido a pagar el London Living Wage (£7.85/hora para 2010). Sin embargo, están esperando innecesariamente a que sus contratos sean renovados; no les han comprometido a pagarles bajas por enfermedad, pensiones u horas extra; y también han sugerido la posibilidad de reducir el número de horas de trabajo, o incluso el número de empleados – lo cual significa que los empleados deberán trabajar más duro, a menudo por el mismo número de horas y el mismo salario. Se ha establecido una cronología un tanto imprecisa: el personal de catering/cantina recibirá el LLW desde abril 2001; el personal de oficina y de limpieza general, desde 2012. Sin embargo, no se ha producido ningún comunicado, o ningún otro contrato, incluído el ISS.
Nos hemos enterado de otros sucesos que constituyen un riesgo para empleados de bajo salario en UCL. Éstos seguramente se deben a que UCL está tratando de descargar los recortes de financiación en aquellos empleados más vulnerables, para no sufrir los efectos secundarios que supondría para ellos pagar el LLW.
ISS están planeando eliminar el sueldo durante vacaciones para sus empleados: desean incluir los días de cierre de la universidad dentro de los 28 días de vacaciones permitidos, lo cual significa que el personal de limpieza de ISS perderá 6 días de vacaciones. Le rogamos que se ponga en contacto con nosotros si es parte de este personal.
O&G quieren introducir la limpieza de oficinas y laboratorios día por medio, y que ésta se produzca durante el día, y no de madrugada.Esto obviamente será un gran problema para el personal de limpieza de O&G. Hemos oído que algunos de estos empleados ya han sido despedidos sin explicación. Póngase en contacto con nosotros si esto le está afectando.
What you can do
Please come to the breakfast meeting on the 9th February!
ISS cleaners and O&G cleaners please get in touch about the specific problems with holiday or working hours.
There is only so much that the LWC can do from the outside – we can target the companies and UCL management but it is difficult for us to provide the support you need in the workplace. Only by standing together can workers prevent bosses and companies from intimidating and victimising them. The most effective way of defending your rights is by organising and taking collective action in groups where everyone is equal, to resist exploitation and enforce your rights at work effectively. An injury to one is an injury to all!
We can help you organise or set up your own groups, but once they are formed it is up to you to look out for one another. See below on how to contact us.
Qué puedo hacer?
Por favor, venga a esta reunión de desayuno el 9 de febrero! Personal de limpieza de ISS y O&G, por favor póngase en contacto con nosotros acerca de los problemas específicos que tengan con sus vacaciones o sus horas de trabajo.
Hay limítes a la acción del Living Wage Campaign – podemos protestar contra las contratisas y la dirección de UCL, pero es difícil para nosotros ofrecer el apoyo necesario dentro el lugar de trabajo. Solo con la solidaridad los obreros pueden resistir la intimidación y la victimización por los jefes y las empresas. La manera más eficaz de defender tus derechos es organizar y pasar a la acción en grupos donde todos son iguales, por resistir la explotación y hacer cumplir tus derechos laborales. Podemos apoyaros a organizarse, pero los obreros tienen que apoyarse, el uno al otro, también.
Contact us / Cómo contactarnos:
Phone: 07999206029 Teléfono: 07895752302 (e pelos lusófonos)
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